I've been listening to a lot of streaming music lately. Pandora, being the oldest of sorts, has been the one I usually use when I stream, but lately, I've been listening to Spotify. I've got to say, I think I like Spotify better.
More often than not, when I want to hear a song, I'm more in the mood for that particular artist, and Spotify accommodates me better in this respect. I've always been an "album person:" I want to hear the album, start to finish. My biggest complaint with radio has always been "you never know what's coming next" and it's usually more of the same old BS. Even with Pandora's rating system, you have to vote it down and what you like up to tailor it to your tastes, and even then, you still never know what's coming next.
Like right now, Keb' Mo' has a new album, that was just released Tuesday, and I wanted to hear it. I don't want the 1:30 preview on iTunes, I want to hear the whole album. And guess what? It's on Spotify. So what if I've got to hear an ad ever 3 songs, I get to hear the album and decide if I want to purchase it. Of course, ol' Keb' rarely disappoints (click and find out! He's incredible!), but the point is, I can listen and decide, and he still gets paid for me listening. It's win-win in my eyes. When I get tired of the ads, I can always update to the subscription. What are your thoughts? Pandora or Spotify? Leave a comment and let me know.

Also, I would like to say Happy 18th Birthday to my oldest son, Elijah. My little boy has turned into a young man right in front of my eyes. He's become an pretty accomplished drummer and is beginning to scare me on guitar. A couple of weeks ago, he received a full ride to the University of Mississippi, and this old man couldn't be more proud. I love you, son, and wish you the best of luck in life.