Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Doesn't everyone deserve a little?

I've been a little distracted the last couple of weeks and have been neglecting the blog. I can sit here and make excuses (new part-time day gig, busy with shows, etc.), but I think I'm just gonna stick with the "I needed a little time off" explanation (the difference between explanation and excuse? Excuse is to get you out of trouble; explanation is just telling it like it is). I needed the time to get some things in order, and I'm very happy with the results, so I'll just take the flogging I'm due for disappearing these 2 weeks. ;-)

We've had an excellent month so far, and things are looking up for the immediate future. The Bukka White Blues Festival was great (thanks again, Matthias and crew, for having us) and I/we have had a lot of great shows all month. Foosh, Gavin and I made a trip to Pickwick for a show, a solo show at C-Baby's in Guys, TN, and solo at the 3rd Annual Monster's Ball. Foosh and I even played a show at the Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau Sunday evening for a small group of writers from out of town. This Thursday, Halloween Night, at Woody's with the Project will finish out the month on a bang. We also (finally!) got the new CD in, so you can pick up a hard copy at a show near you.

November brings the Project to new places, as we will be at 424 Blues Café in Philadelphia, MS, on November 9th and the 12 Bar Lounge in Columbus, MS, for 2 nights on  November 15-16, which will be our last shows before Thanksgiving.

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I'm able to bring news like this to your attention, so I don't regret taking the time off to work on making a few things happen. I will do my best in the future to keep the blog as up-to-date as time will allow, and if I go AWOL again, just know that I will be back. I mean, doesn't everyone deserve a little time off?

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